Skip Navigation - Stepper Sales Tool Setup

The Stepper Sales Tool Setup does nothing more then copy files from a CD-ROM to the hard disk. The only special is that after copying, the Read Only attributes of the files are cleared.

The instructions for the program are in three languages. These instructions are in separate RTF files. There is also a drive select box to select the drive where the files should be copied.

Main screen

Two forms

The program consists of two forms, the actual form to do the job and the other one in the background, which fills the whole screen. This last one can show a background made of multiple company logos or any other pictures.

When the small one is minimized, the large one minimizes also. The EXE file is supplied, but it is not so useful. It was made for one special application. The source code can be modified to convert it in a more general CD-ROM to disk copy program with as extra option, the reset of the read only flags. The data files are the three RTF files.

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PID: 2016 CLT: 0.003 LMD: 2013-Aug-17

Updated 2007 Oct. 09