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Episode 9 : 2030..2039 - Consolidation 4

Financial Overview 2038


The previous year we did spend a terrible lot of money on new vehicles. This year it is time to make some money.

Good place for a new Airport

New Airport

Since we sold our helicopter, because it was too old, we had no airplanes. What is a transport company without airplanes? No nothing. Therefore we had a look around and found a good place for a second airport, near Barninghall. There is a large flat area with already a good infrastructure and it is close to a large city. A good place to build a new airport.

The new Airport

Terrible message

February 4, the airport is ready and now we have to choose a new aircraft. We choose an Airtaxi A34-1000

 Terrible message, too many vehicles in the game Then we got this terrible message, so we cannot buy a new aircraft. Solution: we sell Road Vehicle 6, a money losing bus. Losses last year 64 thousand dollars. April 15 the bus is sold and the new aircraft arrives on Barninghall airport.

The arrivel of the first aircraft

First Aircraft

The setting of the aircraft is "Full Load" so it waits till all the passengers are boarded. May 20 it arrives on Dinsoft Airport and the earnings are only 73 thousand dollars. Not that much, but maybe it will improve in the future.

Road Vehicle 7 hit by train


Road Vehicle 7 was losing money, and, while watching what it does it was hit by a train. The new trains are now so terrible fast that they are almost invisible. There is absolutely no time to stop.

Dinger 1000, very fast


Now the company starts to likes aircrafts. Therefore we started a new service, form Tindhall to Dinsoft. The aircraft is a Dinger 1000, a very fast one. Hopefully it goes to make some money. We should not go bankrupt on our hobby. In October the plane is in operation. First earning: 365,000 dollars.

Company Status

Company Status

Another decade finished. WWW Transport has now 79 trains.

The company value raised in ten years from 722 million to 1,378 million dollars.

We do have different kinds of transport vehicles: trains, cars, aircrafts and boats. We transport all kind of goods, business is going well.

1950..2050: Year by Year

This page shows all Game Years one by one. From 1950, to the last one: 2050.

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PID: 3021 CLT: 0.002 LMD: 2013-Aug-17

Updated 2007 Oct. 09