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Episode 1 : 1950..1959 - Startup

Operating Profit Graph 1950 to 1954


If we have look to the Operating Profit Graph then it can be seen that the graph is still under the $0 line. We don't earn money. Even the total on the finance overview is negative ($8,010). Not so good but also not so bad, our only goal is to setup a transport company and to survive the first ten years, so that we can borrow more money and to wait for a good cargo transport service etc. You will see...
The life time of busses is about ten years. If we invest all our money in busses, then we have to buy all new busses after these ten years. That is always a big problem.

Lendhead Railway Station in 1955

Train service

Very soon we have to start with some railway services, it's very good to prepare already some railway stations. Hurry up start with it.
A good choice is a passenger and mail train service from Lendhead to Kendhattan.

Start of a competitor in 1955

New Companies

The first of October 1955 is an historical date in the WWW Transport history. Three new companies are founded and they start to open some new services
However these new companies are established by the built-in intelligence of the game and that AI is not so very clever.

However, they can cause a lot of problems by blocking roads, building of railway station on your place etc.
In Lendhead, where the WWW Transport railway station was planned to come is now an airport of the competition. We have to look for another place.

Dangerous railroad crossing

OK we go to build a railway between Lendhead and Kendhattan. Bus 1, which crosses this railway will be sold.
This gives some money to buy the new train. If we keep the bus going here, then sooner or later it will collide with the train.

Operating Profit Graph 1956

The operating profit graph goes still up and down, at some places it goes just over the zero line. Our loan is now $180,000, there is only a money reserve of $20,000.
The two busses left are set to full load at Dinsoft and at Slindwood. So they don't take away the passengers from the train.

Lendhead now accept goods

The development of Lendhead goes very well. We got the message that it accepts goods. This is only at the larger villages. However, we have no goods to transport.

Special offer to buy a new locomotive

Special Offer

Also we receive a special offer for a new just developed train. It is a small diesel with a low price and a low operating cost.

The speed is low, but it can replace some busses.

With two passenger cars and a mail van they can make a lot of money, special on not too long distances.

The first train of WWW Transport

The First Train

On the right you can see our first train. It is the small one from the special offer we had just before. It has one passengers car and a Mail Van.

Force a regular service in the depot

The train is almost a kind of prototype. The reliability is low. To keep it in a good condition, the best is to force is for service each time it passes the depot.

1950..2050: Year by Year

This page shows all Game Years one by one. From 1950, to the last one: 2050.

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PID: 3021 CLT: 0.045 LMD: 2013-Aug-17

Updated 2007 Oct. 09